Robin Thinks!
Robin Thinks! Deconstructing Books That Wrecked Us
I Kissed Dating Goodbye Part 7: My Story

I Kissed Dating Goodbye Part 7: My Story

Today, I share with you my story and why this podcast is so important to me. I decided to do almost no editing today (except for when Siri decided to butt in!) so it’s pretty raw. Also, since I’m talking bout sex and sexuality, probably NSFW!

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Robin Thinks!
Robin Thinks! Deconstructing Books That Wrecked Us
Too many Christians are taught to not question religious authority, which means they are taught to not use critical thinking skills. Most books have something beneficial to offer, but many also contain destructive or damaging teachings and Christians aren't taught to separate the two. In this podcast we will deconstruct some of the most popular Christian books to uncover what is worth keeping and what needs to be thrown away.