Robin Thinks!
Robin Thinks! Deconstructing Books That Wrecked Us
Love & Respect Part 4: What's The Harm?

Love & Respect Part 4: What's The Harm?

Since Love & Respect is a marriage book, it can be easy to assume that the only damage it might cause is to someone’s marriage. The problem with any book that says “men need this and women need that,” however, is that no one is going to just apply these principles strictly to their own marriage. There are too many pastors reading these books who are also essentially the CEO of their churches, not to mention providing counseling of their own. The damage this book causes extends far beyond just the individual couples that might read it.

The same way the principles espoused in “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” continued to have a strong negative impact on people’s marriages - long after they left the world of dating - Love & Respect has a destructive reach that extends far beyond individual marriages. As a single woman, I know I have personally been harmed by the culture that is created by these teachings - because they do, in fact, extend far beyond just marriages or marital counseling.

In today’s podcast, I will also talk about what’s coming up for Robin Thinks!, why I originally started this platform and where I’m hoping to take it next. Although I did not do a podcast last week, I have been busy. I have opened new accounts on Twitter and Instagram specifically for this podcast.

You can find the Instagram community here and Twitter here. I just started these accounts so they have very few followers, so you can be among the first. I also just got my Patreon page completed, which you can find here. I would greatly appreciate any support as this is something that I deeply want to make a full-time ministry.

Robin Thinks!
Robin Thinks! Deconstructing Books That Wrecked Us
Too many Christians are taught to not question religious authority, which means they are taught to not use critical thinking skills. Most books have something beneficial to offer, but many also contain destructive or damaging teachings and Christians aren't taught to separate the two. In this podcast we will deconstruct some of the most popular Christian books to uncover what is worth keeping and what needs to be thrown away.